Austria salary calculator

Calculation type
Contribution group
Optional calculations
Salary increase
Weekly working hours
Additional information
Sole earner deduction / AEAB
Family Bonus Plus
Children up to 17 years
Children from the age of 18
Benefit in kind
Wage tax allowance
Special payments
Vacation allowance
Christmas bonus
Ongoing (⅙ optimization)
Commuter allowance
Route in one direction
Is public transportation reasonable?
Monthly commuting days
Öffi-Ticket Jahreskosten
vom Arbeitgeber übernommen
Federal state
Employee pension fund
Are you a member of the AK?
Working hours
Hours per week
Vacation weeks
Days of absence
Gross vs. net: how your income develops
This diagram shows how net income rises with increasing gross salary and is influenced by taxes and social security contributions. The curve illustrates that higher gross salaries do not lead to an even net increase due to the progressive tax burden. This allows you to see at a glance how much of your gross income is actually left over.